Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Oct 6

So I weighed in this morning - 135. UGH. I have been eating what I thought was pretty healthy, and I've lost a measley pound. I th ouoght I would have lost more, since when I first weighed in it was period time.

I am still sticking to my original goals - 132 by Friday and 129 by the Friday after that. 124 by Halloween. I do still think some of this weight is water, but it still makes me mad. It's fine - I guess I'm going to have to up the ante. Also, I know many wouldn't agree with me, but I am going to start weighing in daily. I noticed that my weight gain is corresponds with me not weighing myself for extended periods, so i think this will help keep me in check. AND I'm going to increase the water.

Keep my eyes on the prize - getting out of the 130s will be a milestone and I know I can make it by next Friday!!
Calories Today
breakfast: cereal (100) milk (60) coffee (110)
lunch: thai curry chicken with rice (310)
snack: yogurt (100) 2 egg whites (30)
dinner: canneloni (280) spinach (10) tomato (20) cucumber (20) dressing (80)
snack: 4 triscuits 80
rice: 80

Total thus far: 1285

okay GOOD so far, and I'm not hungry. I have two boiled eggs which I will eat the whites of, and a yogurt for snacks at work before the gym.

UPDATE: alright, so I just finished eating dinner and it's 6:00. I'm not hungry right now and I do feel more in control than I usually do. I do worry that I'm going to be hungry later on though, and since I haven't been losing weight on 1600 calories a day (well, in the 1 week or so that I did it) I've gotta up it - I was aiming for 1200 a day and I'm already there. I am going out for coffee later tonight but I may just have a tea. I'm sleepy too....and im going to the gym tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. I think it's time to rethink the nutrition portion. I would try to lose the crackers, breads, and non lean meats (sausage and others)
    From the info you give 25 yrs, 135 lbs and 5'3, I calculated that to lose a pound/ week you should be taking in 1400 calories/day. I put you right at 1985 cals to maintain with exercise. 500 less puts you at 1400. Be sure to watch out for the extras. Butters, sugars ( even calorie free ones have calories), cooking spray, it all adds up. I would try measuring for a week and see if there is a change. I see that you have a calorie total on the food, but does it include the extras? Check it out. If you want the links to the sites I used let me know. And also you don't have as much to lose, so it is even harder. You have to eat even cleaner.
    Keep up the fight, just a little bit of tweeks and you'll be back in the game. Have a great day..
