Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oct 13

Breakfast: bran 70 cereal 100 milk 75
Coffee: 75
Lunch: turkey breast (120) veggies (180)
Snack: yogurt 100, latte (160)
Dinner: turkey sandwich (180) veggies (120)
Snack: oatmeal 180, 1/2 croissant 120, milk 90

Total calories: 1570

Having read nearly half of Shrink Yourself I am learning that I experience a 'phantom' hunger due to my own self-doubts. I need to attack that voice in my head that is causing the self-doubts head on, and today I did a good job. I resisted food by solving my problems instead of burying them with food. This is probably an overestimation, since I ate a lot of veggies but with no butter or anything but I"m not sure how to appropriately measure calories in them.

I'm getting quite sick so I couldn't make it to the gym today. Will aim for tomorrow but I'll see how sick I am.

My goal for tomorrow is to listen to my body and to take back the power that I have given away. I need to take back conscious control of the fact that I can trust myself to make logical decisions toward my weight loss goal.


  1. Hey Lexa. I think that was the best post of yours. You're making huge progress and I think you've got this food thing figured out. Congratulations. It's the first step, and combining it with gaining some confidence...you're going to go far. Awesome job, girl!

  2. Lexa,

    I have to agree with Lisa that this is one of your best posts to date. You are making forward progress. I would suggest if you are hungry in between meals to have a glass of water first. If you are still hungry then have a low glycemic portion of veggies or fruit. That will tide you over until the next meal. I recommend a scale to measure food. i first bought a dial scale that only did ounces. I then upgraded to a digital one that does ounces and grams and other measurements that I will never use. It can fit in my back pocket. I don't take it with me but it's that small. I found it on ebay for around 20 bucks. Great work!!! Sorry to hear that you are sick. Get well soon, and remember to take a good multi vitamin while you are dieting.
    C-ya tomorrow

