Monday, October 12, 2009

Oct 12

cereal (120) bran (70) milk (70) turkey (200) turnip (50) potatoes (80) corn (60) swet potato (100) broccoli (30) stuffing (100) reese pb cup (190) coffee (100)

Total so far = 1170

So I just weighed in and I'm at 135.5 :( God I don't even know what to do anymore I feel so terrible. I hate feeling terrible I really do.

1 comment:

  1. I don't see any exercise for the day. You need to burn off those carbs.

    This is something I wrote a week ago, I think it may be relevant now.

    From Oct 6th:
    From the info you give 25 yrs, 135 lbs and 5'3, I calculated that to lose a pound/ week you should be taking in 1400 calories/day. I put you right at 1985 cals to maintain WITH EXERCISE. 500 less puts you at 1400. If you don't exercise then 1700 cals to maintain weight. Does that make sense? A lot of numbers being thrown out there.

    500 cal deficit per day will give you 1 lb loss per week.
    Watch your sodium intake also. You may be retaining water because of that. My sister's fingers swell if she eats to much sodium in a day. I don't know what I going on, but if I give enough suggestions maybe I'll hit the right thing.LOL

    One last thing that I see with your intake today. turnip, potato, corn, sweet potato, and stuffing. Was that all with one meal? All carbs, 400 calories. I see alot of empty calories also 300 cals (coffee sweetened some how?) and one of my favorites PB cups.

    Last I see that you are at 1170 cals with only two meals so far. Did the last three or four meals total 300 calories or more than 800?

    Those are the things that I see. I hope you don't take offense to anything I say. I am trying to be objective and not mean. I want you to succeed.

    If you have any questions or need some help drop me an email or PM on the message board. You took a knock down, now it's time to get up and keep going. Have an outstanding day tomorrow.
