Monday, November 2, 2009

Nov 3 goals

Okay, tomorrow my goals are:

1. Listen to my body and pay attention to what I am eating. Basically I will only eat when I am hungry and I will stop eating when I am full. I usually do okay with this when I am at work. Tomorrow I am going to taste everything that I eat. Problem is when I come home, in the evenings.

2. Get 1 hour of exercise. Tomorrow I will go to the gym for 1 hour of circuit training.

3. Get 7.5 hours of sleep minimum. I"m going to bed after this message.

4. DO NOT STEP ON THE SCALE. That stupid thing drives me mad.

nov 2

breakfast: bran 70 cereal 110 milk 55
snack: coffee 60 egg white 30
lunch: bean and rice dish 325
snack: yogurt (100) popcorn (100)
frappuccino (130)
dinner: meatloaf (126) corn (80) rice (155)
mini aero (40) reese bp cup (88) oero (80) mini oh henry *45)

total = 1594

Not the end of the world but im certainly not losing any weight.

junk cals i could have easily cut out: 383

Friday, October 30, 2009

Oct 30

coffee 200
breakfast: bran 70 cereal 110 milk 55
snack: yogurt (100) and egg whites (30)
lunch: squash soup (120)
snack: 3 mini choc bars (150)
2 oreos (200)
dinner: 1 slice pizza (305) garlic bread (190)
fibre one bar (150)
carrot juice (75)

then i was realy bad. i am too embarrassed to say what i ate, but we can safely say it was about 450 calories.

2405 calories. that's totally depressing.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Oct 28

breakfast: coffee 160
snack: yogurt 100
lunch: squash soup 160
snack: 2 egg whites 30, sugarfree redbull 0
dinner: stuffed green pepper 165 potatoes 170
snack: skinny cow ice cream 125
fibre 1 bar: 140

And then I screwed up:

2 oreos 200
nutella 200

Total cals = 1550

junk cals i could have cut out: 400

Still not bad, considering.

I'm going to head to the gym for 1 hour of circuit training. My sto mach is going crazy, its upset.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Oct 27

breakfast: bran (70) cereal (110) milk (60) coffee (50)
snack: yogurt (100) coffee (50)
lunch: bean and rice dish (310)
snack: 2 egg wh ites (30) soup (70) crystal light smoothie (75)
dinner: chicken parmasean (280) rice 170 asparagus 65
snack: blackberries with light dip (100)
12 m&ms = 60
turkey/ham roll = 60

1 hour walk = 200 calories burned

Total calories: 1660

junk cals i could have cut out = 185

Wow the calories add up SO fast. I'm going to take my dog for a walk soon but I wish I had done better today. Gotta watch that portion of rice better next time.

Wow I'm exhausted.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Oct 26

so having a scale to weigh my food is amazing!!! i feel so much more confident about the calories i'm recording. i know i said before i wasn't going to count but i need to.

breakfast: bran (70) 59g cereal (110) milk (55)
snack: yogurt (100) 5 triscuits (100)
lunch: 12.6 oz butternut squash soup (140), sour cream (25)
snack: 2 egg whites (30) cffee (120)
dinner: 280 g whole wheat spaghetti with meat sauce (350) bread (80)
snack: 13g fruit salad (30)

Total calories: 1210

i'm very happy, this is a 'clean' day.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oct 25

so I bought a digital scale for $20 bucks....its fantastic. I have already learned that I have to watch my portions of breakfast cereal!! and that my morning coffee isn't as bad as i thought it was :) butternut squash soup in the slow cooker and its seeds are in the oven - can't wait! :)

breakfast: cereal 110 bran 70 milk 55
coffee: 75
lunch: bread (crap i should have weighed this too but the pack says 80) margarine (25) turkey breast (30)
12 m&ms (75)
squash seeds (50)
butternut squash soup (130)
chicken (200) coleslaw (200) roll (50) fries (265)
100 calorie pack (100)
1 digestive cookie 60
nutella :S (75)

Total calories: 1669

15 mins cardio 150 calories burned
40 minutes circuit training 300 calories burned